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What Reporting is Available in HELIOS?

Health Management Reporting: Looking at HELIOS Reporting Options

HELIOS offers a variety of reporting and analytics modalities. From dashboards and views to exportable Excel files and graphic charts, healthcare payers can leverage native reporting functionality and work with VirtualHealth to create custom reports, dashboards, and views as well.

 This helps organizations using HELIOS to get the data and insights they need for quality and regulatory needs, process and operational optimizations, care improvements, and to analyze productivity, efficiency, and performance.

 Below we look at what reporting options are available natively in HELIOS.


Standard Reporting in the HELIOS Platform

 HELIOS makes it easy for clients to access comprehensive reporting and data. With diverse views, dashboards, and modalities out-of-the-box, HELIOS makes it easy to grab reports as needed.

 There is a dedicated reporting section in HELIOS where users can select and generate reports, and reports can be generated based on quality, quantity, and productive variances. Users can view reports in the HELIOS platform, export and save reports in multiple formats, and leverage a broad range of standard reports, views, and dashboards configurable for their organization. 


Below are some other quick facts about reporting and data analytics in HELIOS:

  • Standard, custom, and configurable reports
  • Data visualization in the form of line charts, pie charts, and bar graphs, are standard
  • Each client gets a query-able replicated database to help create custom reports for audits and other internal/external needs
  • Easily integrates with business intelligence tools like Power BI, Tableau, etc.
  • Users can create custom, pre-set reports within the platform or configure existing templates for custom needs
  • Users can access analytics reference documentation and resources in HELIOS


What Standard Reports Does HELIOS Provide Out-of-the-Box?

HELIOS supports a range of standard) reports, views, and dashboards related to assessment, assignment, authorization, appeal, care gap, case, caseload, census (i.e., admissions, status, readmissions, length of stay), episode, grievance, HEDIS, interaction, member, LTSS compliance, productivity, risk, savings, summary, task, timeliness, and more.


Performance Metrics and Reporting

One of the most helpful things for healthcare organizations using HELIOS is the availability of performance and critical outcome metrics including things like quality care gap data, electronic clinical quality measures (eCQMs) data, HEDIS, ODAG, and more. 

HELIOS offers advanced analytics and reporting for measuring critical outcomes, whether in the form of HEDIS measures, vitals or biometric data, care goal completion or progress, changes in behavior frequency or intensity, increases or decreases in medication number of dosage, changes in social or clinical services administered, vaccinations received, or other metrics.


Quality Care Gap Data

HELIOS makes identifying and managing open care gaps that align with STARS, ACO Quality Performance Metrics, and various HEDIS measures easy. Care gap data can be ingested via integration from a variety of systems, so HELIOS clients get a comprehensive picture. All this data is organized and stored in HELIOS so that authorized care managers, providers, and members can access what they need. 

  • Use a dedicated dashboard for tracking care gaps at both panel and individual beneficiary levels
  • Automatically or manually generate care gaps
  • Incorporate care gaps into beneficiaries’ care plans
  • The information regarding these care gaps can be sent to EMRs through integration so that timely and relevant information is shared with an organization’s provider network. ( A beneficiary’s care plan can also be shared with appropriate providers so that the provider can leverage this information when treating the beneficiary.
  • Care gap views and reports can be viewed in the platform and downloaded and exported

Plus, while HELIOS provides its own analytic capabilities for quality care gap data, it can also integrate with a third-party system to bring in additional care gaps, risk scores, and other related data. This leads us to HEDIS.


Real-World Value: Automated Tasking for Care Gaps

One of the great benefits of HELIOS is its automated tasking for care gaps. The Care Gaps view has filters that support custom user views, which current clients frequently use for identifying the need for and completion of preventative activities, including immunizations, screenings, and wellness visits.

Using HELIOS’ configurable rule engines, a client may develop workflows that can automatically generate tasks to address care gaps and other action items based on population, sub-population, and/or other defined business requirements. Clients can even filter care gaps by priority, service, and status.

Get more information about care gaps, tasking, and automations in HELIOS > (


Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS)

HELIOS makes it easy to identify and manage open care gaps that align with HEDIS measures. HELIOS fully integrates with HEDIS systems and can generate measures desired by the client and as certified by the NCQA This includes, but is not limited to, metrics for diabetes, asthma, heart failure, coronary artery disease, COPD, prenatal and postpartum, as well as others defined by regulatory bodies or any organization-specific measures a client may wish to track. 

  • Use a dedicated care gaps module to view and filter HEDIS-based care gaps
  • Fully capture all data required for HEDIS calculations
  • Use a dedicated dashboard for tracking care gaps at both the caseload and member levels

Depending on what a client needs, care gaps can be automatically or manually generated, which helps provide an important feedback loop between quality KPIs and care management activities. Plus, while a HEDIS-based methodology is most common, HELIOS also supports the use of custom care gaps.


ODAG and CDAG Reporting

HELIOS is used by VirtualHealth clients today to meet NCQA standards and requirements, as well as to comply with ODAG and CDAG reporting as required by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).

HELIOS makes this possible by ensuring that its authorization data fields are fully compliant with industry standards and enable clients to capture all the required information to align with NCQA and CMS reporting standards. 

Additionally, the HELIOS platform supports all of the data requirements set forth by and supports both ODAG and CDAG universes. The data can be pulled into the client’s reporting system via the replicated database or the necessary custom reports can be implemented directly into the platform. Plus, from a workflow perspective, clients can configure the rules in HELIOS to optimize ODAG and CDAG reporting results and make sure tasks are surfaced appropriately.


Common Reporting Questions About HELIOS

Want to see some common questions we get about reporting and analytics in HELIOS? Download our quick reporting guide to see answers to questions like:

  1. How are captured data and analytics leveraged for workflows?
  2. Does HELIOS support custom extracts?
  3. How do HELIOS dashboards support population health views?
  4. Can I get help with analytics? (Learn more about our Analytics as a Service here)

Or, ready to see HELIOS in action? Connect with our team for a quick, custom demo today.

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